A list with 26 different characters,representing the alphabetic characters THE LOWERS ONLY,and 8 for the length of each pass, will result in 1750 giga byte this is 1 tera byte......this is huge.
So this will cause a problem with storing hence manipulating.
Back to the question what is segmentation technique, the answer is an alternative solution for the storing
problem with easy GUI interface ,by breaking down any huge list into smaller ones(segments)
Bwst idea's to solve this by creating a file that works as reference or (a variable holder) for one particular word list.This file contains all the needed data for easily breaking down this list into smaller ones in different time and size,
this file has the extension of bwst (e.g xxxx.bwst).
How to do this with bwst?
Applying the steps from the answer of question 3 except for the part of pressing the Execute now button
it will be replaced by the Prepare for segmentation button ,after that you will be prompt to select
the path of your bwst file ,the bwst file includes all the needed information to start breaking down your huge list easily.
A window will pop out to prompt you if you want to add segments now.Press yes if you want to do so or press no if you want to add segments later by going to the upper bar menu –segment manger –segment manger,a window will pop out ,point out at the bwst file to start adding segments.
The segment manager
1-The segment name will be given automatically.When a user saves a segment,another new name will be given
to the next segment and so on.
2-Thise field is to add the wanted amount of each segment, the type of amount is shown in table 3.
3-This table has two functions.First, it shows the user the maximum amount that is allowed to be added to the segment.Second,it indicates the overall progress.
4-The Calculate button as it says it will calculate different calculations.. we will explain them in detail,one thing to be in
consideration that all calculations and calculations results are not affected unless user press the save segment button ,
by pressing the Save segment button user agrees to the amount dedicated for this segment and automatically he will be directed to the next segment .
By saving segment you are only saving a mathematical values in the bwst file beside the other word-list variable
like the set of characters,the word length...ect
5-This table will indicate the total word list size
6-Cuclutes segment impact over the word-list and shows the over all completed size of it.
7-Cuclutes segment impact over the word-list and shows what's remained.
8-The Segment size in your hard drive.
9-Examine segment has two functions it shows the saved segment in the session file (bwst file) with each segment size the other function is to delete the last saved segment.
10-Excute segment as it said ,where the user can generate the wanted segment into a list file.
Why only last segment can be deleted each time?
The programming structure in this application is built to work this way,deleting segments randomly is not applicable.
bwst file can be displayed in plain text,can I edit it manually?
yes,if you know what you are doing but it’s highly recommended that you don’t ,because the application is designed to work as it should be in the GUI interface,editing the bwst file manually will prevent the advantage of error detecting and will make the application vulnerable to errors.
Don’t open or keep open the bwst file while you working with the Bwst application
by open I mean processing the file with other text editing program because this may cause an error.
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