Q1 What is Bwst ?
BWST is a short word for Brute-force Word-list Segmentation Technique.
Simply, it’s a brute-force word list generating application.
Q2 What makes Bwst special from other applications ?
1-Segmenting Technique
2- Easy GUI interface
3- User can specify the list set of characters, and word length
It has also a ready set of characters that user can choose.
4- It has a calculator that calculates the size of a list in byte,Ki,Mi,Gi,Ti and number of line count based on the set of
characters and word length.

Q3 How to calculate and generate simple word list?
First enter the set of characters and the word length.

The set of characters those characters that you want your list to be included.
In the field that says Enter word list characters you are prompt to
enter your own set of characters ,in the field that says Use predefined sets
you are offered with ready sets of characters ,by pointing the mouse over each of those
buttons a hint will appear describes the type of set (e.g. numbers as you see down in the image).

Word Length The length of each word in the list.
In the field that says Words/pass-phrase length your are prompt
to enter the word length.A whole number only.

By pressing the Calculate button a calculation for the size and
line count will be undertaken and the result will be viewed in the black area.

By pressing the Execute now button your are giving the command of generating the word list.
- A window will prompt you to select your list path and after that the application will
generate the list in the selected path. The list name will be given automatically ,the name includes date of creation and .lst extension
(e.g. 2013-08-11-10-23-20.lst)

Q4 Can I execute the list without checking the size?
Yes , you can but the calculation utility is made to help the user by exposing
the size before the actual creation, generating a huge word list with no enough hard
disk space is a wrong thing to do.
Q5 What are wrong entries that I should not enter?
The application has a set of errors detectors .It will warn the user for
any errors,but something should be taken into consideration,white space
is considered as a counted character you should be aware about this point when
you enter your entries to the application.
Q6 Is it ok to use the same character twice or more in the enter set of character prompt?
This is not a rational thing to do,since the application will loop equally with every character of your set,though this will not be detected as error and the application will carry on processing every task with no problem of any kind ,but doing so is a huge loss for time and resource with absolutely no use .It’s highly recommended to check for duplicated characters when a user would use the enter set of character prompt unless he knows what’s his doing .
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